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Counterfeit Rejection Documentation

Core-Channel is not an authorized distributor for OEM component manufacturers or designers. We do not fill this role within the global marketplace. The nature and function of our supply chain is to streamline vast diversity into managed uniformity. We do not provide certificates of origin for the components we deliver to clients.

Core-Channel is committed to protecting the intellectual property rights of OEM designers and manufacturers.

We do not willingly traffic in counterfeit materials that bear a logo or brand marking. We do provide, upon request and in full transparency, aftermarket parts that do not bear brand markings. We also provide components that we have inspected and believe to be OEM to the best of our knowledge.

Core-Channel does not reveal its upstream suppliers beyond those that directly participate in our Managed Joint Venture program. We consider this information unique and proprietary.

Upon request, our internal counterfeit inspection documentation can be viewed by clients. As may be required, such documentation can be implemented regularly as part of Core-Channel-to-Clientprocess integration.

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